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Aicinājums no Eiropas Valdorfpedagoģijas padomes

6. februārī tiešsaistē sarunāsies Gerts Biesta (Gert Biesta) un Martins Rosons (Martyn Rawson) par māksliniecisku mācīšanu visos mācību priekšmetos.

Šeit varat iepazīties ar pašu aicinājumu un afišu:

Dear representatives,

For the third online meeting of the UPSWE project (Tue Feb 6, 14-17 CET) Gert Biesta and Martyn Rawson will be talking about the importance of working artistically in all subjects.

Please share this with your schools and invite teachers from class 7 to 12. Pupils in class 11 and 12 are also welcome.

The attached pdf has a clickable link to register, if you've already registered you'll receive an email with the link the week before the event.

Thank you very much,



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